Hardware.Info posted Need for Speed (2016) review: tested with 22 GPUs
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The latest game in the well-known Need for Speed racing game series came out in March. In this article we'll be discussing which graphics card you need to be able to play this game in Full HD, WQHD, or Ultra HD with different graphics settings.Need for Speed (2016) review: tested with 22 GPUs @ Hardware.Info
The newest Need for Speed game sticks to the pattern that we?ve seen in the other games in this series. You can choose to drive a predetermined route, or to race freely through a city or over the highways. If you cause too much trouble, the police will come after you and you'll have to race to avoid being fined. The interesting part of this is that if you go with the ?free race? option, you'll actually come across other human players.
In the new 2016 game, you can personalize your car more than ever before. It's been years since we saw this level of personalization in a Need for Speed game. You can change the car's engine, brakes and wheels, as well as its appearance. Changing these elements isn't very complicated, but you can also download other players? creations and use those yourself.