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MyRadar provides you with an easy-to-use app designed to display animated weather radar for your area - keeping you in the loop about exactly what is heading your way.


MyRadar provides you with an easy-to-use app designed to display animated weather radar for your area - keeping you in the loop about exactly what is heading your way.

It is a simple but accurate app that will help you plan your day without the surprise of inclement weather taking you by surprise. Simply start MyRadar up and your location will display with the corresponding weather. You have the option to zoom in on any area to pinpoint results in relation to your destination.

Since MyRadar displays animated weather, you will be able to predict whether that thunderstorm is bearing down on you or traveling away and just how fast it is progressing.

MyRadar for Android Features:

Hi-Def Radar
Weather Forecasts
NOAA Alerts
Storm Tracking

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