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MyPC is a freeware system information tool that doubles as a monitoring and diagnostics application.
MyPC is a freeware system information tool that doubles as a monitoring and diagnostics application.MyPC has a series of tabs across the top broken down into categories including System, CPU, Folders, Network, Display, Sound, BIOS, Mainboard, Control, Process, and Miscellaneous.While there's a lot of excellent freeware system information tools, MyPC can do that and also help you with whatever you're looking for. For example, in the BIOS tab, you can check to see if a BIOS update is available. Under the CPU tab you not only are given the processor information, but you are also given the current load. The memory tab shows the current load in nine different scenarios including memory load, swap file, pagefile, and more.The control tab also has links to just about any Windows tool you may need including DirectX Diagnostics, System Restore, Regedit, Firewall, and dozens of others.The final tab is a clock with alarm. No, we don't know why either.MyPC is a good choice for those who not only want to get their system information but are also looking to resolve a problem.It should be noted that MyPC is marked Ad-Supported because the links to check for BIOS and driver updates are affiliate links for DriverAgent. Oh, wait, we just pulled the same stunt.