MycView 1.2.82

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This program was developed at first to show automatically a slide show of all the pictures of a given directory in full screen mode on machines devoid of interfaces keyboard/mouse.
This program was developed at first to show automatically a slide show of all the pictures of a given directory in full screen mode on machines devoid of interfaces keyboard/mouse. In that case, no user operation is possible, that is why the program's interface is minimal.


Reading image format JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNM, EMF, WMF.
Reading lists LST files, SLD (XnView).
Automatic closing at the end of the slideshow with the parameter «/c».
Display in a window or full screen with the key «f».
Opening a new file with the keystrokes «Ctrl-O».
Opening a new directory with the keystrokes «Ctrl-D».
Number of loops defined with the parameter «/l».
Number of seconds per image defined with the parameter «/s».