MX Linux 23.5 released

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A new MX Linux update is available: MX Linux 23.5 released

MX Linux 23.5 released

MX Linux 23.5 has been released and represents the fifth update of the MX-23 release, incorporating bug fixes, kernel updates, and application enhancements. The update encompasses information on Xfce 4.20 from the main repositories, the Debian GNU/Linux 12.9 (Bookworm) base, enhancements in the MX Packageinstaller user interface, additional warnings for live systems, and more features. The release features updated Xfce, KDE, and Fluxbox ISOs, now utilizing the latest 6.1.123 kernel. Additionally, the MX Raspberry Pi Respin has been refreshed with the most recent packages from the MX and RPiOS repositories.

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