Mumble 1.2.12

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Mumble is a low latency, always encrypted communication application perfect for gamers with in-game overlay as well as positional audio so you can hear where other players are located.
Mumble is a low latency, always encrypted communication application perfect for gamers with in-game overlay as well as positional audio so you can hear where other players are located.Mumble supports noise suppression to filter out distractions in your background and keep attention on your voice instead.It also automatically tries to keep everyone's mic input level the same, so one user doesn't get drowned out or deafen everyone with their individual mic level.Mumble Features: Low latency and low bandwidth usage Brilliant voice quality (speech preprocessing and noise cancellation) Echo removal Positional audio (determine players' locations in supported games with your ears) Overlay ACL for users Text-to-speech (hear program's and server's status updates)