Scorpiuscat from our very own forums has written a nice preview of Windows Vista including a lot of info of under-the-hood workings and features:
All in all, these features make me excited for Vista with the one caveat and this is as long as these features work as advertised. I don?t know what all the downsides to Vista will be, there is not a lot of info on that floating around on that; besides all the different flavors of Vista that will be available and there is no news that I can find if all flavors of Vista will contain all of these features.
All in all, these features make me excited for Vista with the one caveat and this is as long as these features work as advertised. I don?t know what all the downsides to Vista will be, there is not a lot of info on that floating around on that; besides all the different flavors of Vista that will be available and there is no news that I can find if all flavors of Vista will contain all of these features.