mrViewer 32-Bit 5.3.1

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mrViewer is a professional Open Source video player, interactive image viewer and much more. Also available for 64 Bit.

mrViewer is designed to be a professional video player, interactive image viewer and much more. Also available for 64 Bit.

It is many things including a Flipbook player, HDRI viewer, 4K Video and Audio player, and a video and audio transcoder.

Some of its many features include:

Multichannel Support in OpenEXR, PSD, MIFF and TIFF formats
MultiView OpenEXR support
Network syncing support
Non-destructive EDL
Grease Pencil support
Multi-Part EXR images
Deep OpenEXR images (Deep Scanline and Deep Tile)
Animated GIF support
Color Transformation Language (CTL) Support
ACES Support
Passive 3D Stereo Support (anaglyphs, top/bottom, side by side, interlaced, checkerboard)
Scrubbing with audio
VR support for environment maps and VR movies

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