Mozilla Firefox Portable 52.0.2

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Mozilla Firefox Portable portable version of Mozilla Firefox so you can take your Firefox anywhere you go preserving all your settings, add-ons and more.
Mozilla Firefox Portable portable version of Mozilla Firefox so you can take your Firefox anywhere you go preserving all your settings, add-ons and more.It has some specially-selected optimizations to make it perform faster and extend the life of your USB key as well as a specialized launcher that will allow most of your favorite extensions to work as you switch computers. It will also work from a CDRW drive (in packet mode), ZIP drives, external hard drives, some MP3 players, flash RAM cards and more.To install Mozilla Firefox Portable, just download and extract it to the root directory of your USB drive. It will create a "Firefox" directory and all the requisite directories underneath. To use Firefox on your drive, launch it with the executable in the Firefox directory.