Seems like Billy boy has some big plans in the pipeline for gaming on your PC! Here's an interview gamespot had with Dean Lester, the head of Microsoft's Windows Graphics and Gaming division.
DirectX 9 will be the last DX release for a while, as Microsoft focuses resources on making bigger improvements for PC gaming in Longhorn, including introducing a standard controller. At GDC, we had a chance to sit down with Dean Lester, the head of Microsoft's Windows Graphics and Gaming division, to hear about the software giant's major new project to make the PC a better gaming platform. Lester acknowledged that two or three years of the company's attention was focused on launching the Xbox, but he said that now it's the PC's turn. The PC gaming initiative has support from "Bill and Ballmer" on down, and it's enough of a priority that there are some 200 people working on it. Basically, Microsoft will make improving the PC gaming experience one of the central appeals of Longhorn, the next major version of Windows that's expected in about two years.
Microsoft's Big PC Plans
DirectX 9 will be the last DX release for a while, as Microsoft focuses resources on making bigger improvements for PC gaming in Longhorn, including introducing a standard controller. At GDC, we had a chance to sit down with Dean Lester, the head of Microsoft's Windows Graphics and Gaming division, to hear about the software giant's major new project to make the PC a better gaming platform. Lester acknowledged that two or three years of the company's attention was focused on launching the Xbox, but he said that now it's the PC's turn. The PC gaming initiative has support from "Bill and Ballmer" on down, and it's enough of a priority that there are some 200 people working on it. Basically, Microsoft will make improving the PC gaming experience one of the central appeals of Longhorn, the next major version of Windows that's expected in about two years.
Microsoft's Big PC Plans