Microsoft.PowerShell.PlatyPS 1.0.0-Preview1 released

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A new Microsoft news has been published: Microsoft.PowerShell.PlatyPS 1.0.0-Preview1 released

Microsoft.PowerShell.PlatyPS 1.0.0-Preview1 released

Microsoft has released Microsoft.PowerShell.PlatyPS 1.0.0-Preview1, a new version of the PowerShell help file generating tool that makes the process easier by converting help files to Microsoft Assistance Markup Language (MAML). The new version includes various enhancements, such as more accurate descriptions of PowerShell cmdlets, improved efficiency, an object model for the help file, and cmdlets for chaining complex processes. The primary goal is to address long-standing issues, introduce schema-driven functionality, and improve validity checks. The new version contains a C# rewrite, a new Markdown schema, new cmdlets, full YAML serialization, automatic conversion of existing Markdown to the new object model, and export to Markdown, Yaml, and MAML.

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