Metadefender for Chrome allows you to scan all downloads, or specific files, for malware using a number of commercial anti-malware engines in order to limit the potential of one slipping through.

Metadefender for Chrome allows you to scan all downloads, or specific files, for malware using a number of commercial anti-malware engines in order to limit the potential of one slipping through.
Metadefender for Chrome will efficiently scan all the files you download from the web and make sure they aren't malicious. Protect your downloads, or specific files, from malware threats using 40+ commercial anti-malware engines. By using that many anti-malware engines the goal is to help ensure that more viruses, spyware, trojans and other threats will be detected - malware that might be missed by a single anti-malware engine.
1]" onclick=";return false;">What's the Best Antivirus and Is Windows Defender Good Enough - 2018 Edition
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