Manjaro 17.1.6 Hakoila Plasma - A rollercoaster of Tux

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Dedoimedo posted a review on Manjaro 17.1.6 Hakoila Plasma, a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux A quote from the article:
Monday food: A long, thorough, detailed review of Manjaro 17.1.6 Hakoila with the Plasma desktop, tested in a dual-boot configuration on a laptop with Nvidia graphics, covering live session, installation and post-install usage, including look & feel, network support - Wireless, Bluetooth, Samba sharing, printing, and many associated issues, multimedia support - HD video and MP3 playback, smartphone support - Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, and associated bugs and errors, partitions, package management, updates, extra software, yaourt, native desktop Microsoft Office Online integration, proprietary drivers out of the box, hardware compatibility, webcam, resources, performance, responsiveness, stability, various issues, and more. Take a look!
 Manjaro 17.1.6 Hakoila Plasma - A rollercoaster of Tux