Manager Desktop Edition 14.12.61

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Manager is free accounting software for small business.
Manager is free accounting software for small business. Windows, Mac and Linux.Features: Money In: Every time you receive money, it should be recorded in this module. It doesn't matter whether you put money into bank account, cash register or into your own pocket. Every time you receive money Money Out: Every time you spend money, it will appear in this module. It doesn't matter whether you take money from your bank account or from your own pocket. Every time you spend money Sales Invoices: This module contains all invoices that you have issued to your customers and other debtors. It provides useful reports such as Aged receivables which will assist you analyze your debtors further Purchase Invoices: This module will show all the bills that you have received from your suppliers and other creditors. It provides useful reports such as Aged payables which will assist you analyze your creditors further Contact Directory: Do you need to view history or contact details on person or organisation you've been dealing with? Then Contact Directory is the module that will provide you with all information you require Chart of Accounts: This module shows all accounts that are used in your accounting system. Accounts are being created automatically so if you are not familiar with Chart of accounts, you don't need to worry about this module Journal Entries: Usually only skilled accountants and bookkeepers are using this module to set opening balances or adjust account balances on financial statements. If you are not familiar with journal entries, you don't need them Reports: Many reports available such as Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement, Tax Summary, General Ledger Summary, Aged Receivables, Aged Payables and more depending on your country and other settings