Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility will uninstall and remove all residual traces of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from your PC.
Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility will uninstall and remove all residual traces of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from your PC.As most of you know, even when you perform an uninstall from your system's Control Panel chances are that something was missed and left lurking somewhere on your machine. This fact is why some authors create these particular types of tools to ensure that everything has been removed.Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility is specifically designed to accomplish this by thoroughly searching for then removing any settings you have configured, license information, signature updates, and anything related to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. There is no interface; just run it, reboot to complete the uninstall and you are done. It does provide you with a text file showing what was removed and from where. This file can also be used for support purposes if there is an issue during the removal process.Download