We take a look at how ATI's Catalyst performance changed over the years on a Radeon 9700 Pro.
It?s no secret in the hardware world that good software is often just as important as good hardware. The best processor, the best TV tuner, and even the best sound card can only be as good as the software and drivers backing it up. Even a small change in one critical piece of code can result in a massive difference that represents a significant change in performance and sales of a piece of hardware.
Above all, however, this concept is embodied in the realm of video cards, where over the years, we have been spoiled by promises of ?A performance improvement between 17 and 24% is noticed in Jedi Knight II? and ?up to 25% performance improvement in popular consumer and professional applications?. These days, it?s not just common to see GPU makers find ways to squeeze out more performance out of their parts - it?s expected. Finishing the design of and launching a GPU is just the first steps of a much longer process of maximizing performance out of a part, a process that can quite literally take years.
It?s no secret in the hardware world that good software is often just as important as good hardware. The best processor, the best TV tuner, and even the best sound card can only be as good as the software and drivers backing it up. Even a small change in one critical piece of code can result in a massive difference that represents a significant change in performance and sales of a piece of hardware.
Above all, however, this concept is embodied in the realm of video cards, where over the years, we have been spoiled by promises of ?A performance improvement between 17 and 24% is noticed in Jedi Knight II? and ?up to 25% performance improvement in popular consumer and professional applications?. These days, it?s not just common to see GPU makers find ways to squeeze out more performance out of their parts - it?s expected. Finishing the design of and launching a GPU is just the first steps of a much longer process of maximizing performance out of a part, a process that can quite literally take years.