Live Kernel Memory Dump 1.0

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Live Kernel Memory Dump (LKMD) is an advanced Windows console utility that allows you to dump 'live? kernel memory without having to force the system down.
Live Kernel Memory Dump (LKMD) is an advanced Windows console utility that allows you to dump 'live? kernel memory without having to force the system down.No running kernel debug session required which you usually would have in a debugger/debuggee relationship. All kernel mode memory regions are dumped stably due to the underlying technology used in this utility which Windows uses itself to generate crash dump reports and is therefore reliable and stability isn't compromised even when memory is captured in a live system environment.The resultant memory dump file is output in proper dump file format so viewing the details is as simple as loading the generated dump file within modern crash dump analysis tools such as WinDbg.Multiple flags can optionally be specified during dump report generation, such as (Hypervisor Page inclusion, Compression of Page Data, User-mode Memory inclusion, etc.). LKMD is compatible with Windows 8.1 and newer (Windows 10). Whether you're into digital forensics or you are an Admin diagnosing a system infection this tool will come in handy and is recommended for advanced users only.