Linux Kernel 6.14-rc4 released
Linus Torvalds has announced the release of Linux kernel 6.14-rc4. The release includes driver fixes, filesystem fixes, core kernel, and networking improvements. The biggest single patch is a new self-test. The changes include fixing gp10b firmware guard, deadlock when freeing cgroup storage, accounting for widebus and YUV420 during mode validation, tracing, softlockup in arena_map_free on a 64k page kernel, broken TSADC pinctrl names for RK3588, and MTD: SPI-NOR: SST.The changes also address potential overflow, unify VM_WRITE vs VM_MAYWRITE use in BPF map mmaping logic, avoid holding freeze_mutex during mmap operation, and fix lcdpwr_en pin for Cool Pi GenBook. Other improvements include removing unnecessary min() with UINT_MAX, removing unused constants, and fixing fault handling for AXP717. The release additionally addresses the KASAN report during patching through temporary memory management, rewrites __real_pte() and __rpte_to_hidx() as static inline functions, and manages IPC replies prior to FW_BOOT_COMPLETE. Other improvements include handling mixed port and port-range keys, renaming xfs_iomap_swapfile_activate to xfs_vm_swap_activate, and adding a specific dst port matching. The release is expected to be on track with everything looking good.
Linux Kernel 6.14-rc4 released
A new Linux article has been published: Linux Kernel 6.14-rc4 released