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Lintalist permits storing, (incrementally) searching and editing texts in bundles as well as pasting selected text in your active program.

Lintalist permits storing, (incrementally) searching and editing texts in bundles as well as pasting selected text in your active program.

Lintalist is essentially a text snippet manager/editor that will allow you to insert frequently used pieces of text and grouping them into different categories.

The text can be interactive, for example, you can automatically insert the current time and date, ask for (basic) user input or make a selection from a list, etc., and finally, it can also run a script. You can use keyboard shortcuts or abbreviations to paste the text (or run the script) without opening the search window.

The bundles are context sensitive: based on the (partial) window title of the currently active program it will try to load one or more matching bundles, this will allow you to use the same shortcuts and shorthands in different applications and files making it even more flexible. You don't have to use or remember any shortcuts or shorthands because you can search your bundles at any time by opening the search window. Think of it as text-expander which will save you countless keystrokes and has some additional features: hotkeys, full-text search, plugins, and scripts.

Some might compare it to the "tag list" or "clip libraries" you might find in many text editors.

Lintalist Features:

Full-text snippet search using four different search modes
Context sensitive bundles
Abbreviations for your favorite snippets (Hotstrings in AutoHotkey terminology)
Shortcuts for your favorite snippets (Hotkeys in AutoHotkey terminology)
Run (AutoHotkey-)scripts
Local variables (user specific)
Bundle converters (simple lists, CSV, UltraEdit, Texter)
Portable application
Plugins are easy to develop, included by default are:
- return caret to the position in text
- insert date & time incl. dates and time math
- calendar
- user input
- select item from a list
- use clipboard
- use selected text
- counters (can be created on the fly)
- chain snippets (insert the text of one snippet into another)
- insert text from a file
- math (calc)
- random selection
- split and reuse text
- formatted text and images using HTML, Markdown, RTF, and Image
