LibXML2, GCC, NodeJS, Container-Tools updates for AlmaLinux

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A new AlmaLinux update is available: LibXML2, GCC, NodeJS, Container-Tools updates for AlmaLinux

LibXML2, GCC, NodeJS, Container-Tools updates for AlmaLinux

AlmaLinux has been updated with several security patches, including libxml2, gcc, nodejs:18, nodejs:20, container-tools:rhel8, and additional updates for nodejs:20: ALSA-2025:1517: libxml2 security update (Moderate) ALSA-2025:1301: gcc security update (Moderate) ALSA-2025:1446: nodejs:18 security update (Moderate) ALSA-2025:1443: nodejs:20 security update (Important) ALSA-2025:1346: gcc security update (Moderate) ALSA-2025:1372: container-tools:rhel8 security update (Important) ALSA-2025:1351: nodejs:20 security update (Important)

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