LG DVD Burner GSA-H62N SATA vs GSA-H50N IDE Review

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OCC has published a new review of the LG DVD Burner GSA-H62N SATA vs GSA-H50N IDE A quote from the article:

Everything has come a long way since those days. One of those advances is the ATA connector called Serial ATA (SATA). IDE (also referred to as Parallel ATA) had a burstable data rate of 133MB/second, where as the first iteration of SATA had a burst rate of 150MB/second. More recently, SATAII doubled that, coming in at a whopping 300MB/second. With these numbers it should be clear to everyone that SATA blows IDE out of the water, but is that really the case? IDE drives are still being made; are they simply being grandfathered out or are they up to par? Let's find out together by taking a look at a couple of optical drives.

LG DVD Burner GSA-H62N SATA vs GSA-H50N IDE Review