Hardware Canucks tried the LG 34UC87C 34" Curved Monitor
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In the monitor and HDTV markets, curved screens are being pushed and pimped from all directions. To some viewers, these displays enhance the immersion factor exponentially while others feel they actually distort images. Regardless of the controversy surrounding them, curved monitors have actually become a relatively hot commodity in the PC market and LG's new 34UC87C is looking to capitalize on that popularity.LG 34UC87C 34" Curved Monitor Review @ Hardware Canucks
For many consumers, one standard size screen is simply not enough real-estate for maximizing efficiency or adding visibility in games and yet purchasing one mega-sized monitor is simply cost prohibitive. This is why multi monitor setups are so popular; they grant the ability to utilize several relatively large yet inexpensive screens and get the real-estate needed for a wide variety of tasks. On the flip side of that equation we have the 34UC87C, a monitor that is putting a titanic amount of real estate into play in an effort to effectively replace some multi monitor setups with a 34? curved display.
To keep the footprint within the realm of possibility, LG has opted for an ultra wide 21:9 form factor alongside its curvy frame. As an added benefit this allows viewers to actually sit closer to screen without having its edges blur past your peripheral vision.