KpRm 1.7.1

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KpRm can help finalize cleaning up after removing a nasty infection by removing most known antimalware apps, backing up the registry, create and delete System Restore points, UAC restore, and restore system settings.
KpRm can help finalize cleaning up after removing a nasty infection by removing most known antimalware apps, backing up the registry, create and delete System Restore points, UAC restore, and restore system settings.

We've all been there, forced to install numerous antimalware apps to get rid of a nasty infection. Now we have multiple applications and files scattered all over the hard drive. We could remove them one-at-a-time and waste even more time, or you can download KpRm and take it with you.

KpRm is small and easy to use. Delete tools is the only option on, by default, but other options are available. You can back up the registry, delete System Restore points, UAC restore, create a Restore Point, and restore system settings.

The current list of apps that KpRm can remove includes:

AdliceDiag (Tigzy)
AdsFix (Gen-Hackman)
AdwCleaner (Malwarebytes)
AHK_NavScan (Batch_Man)
AlphaDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
AswMBR (Avast!Software)
AuroraDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
AutorunsVTChecker (regist)
Offline CryptoMix Ransomware Decryptor (Avast!Software)
Avenger (swandog46)
BitKangarooDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
BitStakDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
BlitzBlank (Emsisoft)
BTCWareDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
Catchme (Gmer)
Check Browsers LNK (Alex Dragokas & regist)
CKScanner (askey127)
Clean_DNS (Gen-Hackman)
ClearLNK (Alex Dragokas)
CMD_Command (Gen-Hackman)
Combofix (sUBs)
Crypt38Decrypter (Michael Gillespie)
CryptoSearch (Michael Gillespie)
DDS (sUBs)
CryptON Ransomware Decryptor (Emsisoft)
Defogger (jpshortstuff)
DCryDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
Eset Online Scanner (Eset)
FilesLockerDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
FixExec (BleepingComputer)
FixPurge (McVivien2)
FRST (Farbar)
FSS (Farbar)
GetSystemInfo (Kaspersky Labs)
GhostCryptDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
GIBON Ransomware Decryptor (Michael Gillespie)
GooredFix (jpshortstuff)
GrantPerms (Farbar)
HiddenTear Bruteforcer (Michael Gillespie)
HiddenTear Decrypter (Michael Gillespie)
HostsXpert (funkytoad)
Hosts-perm.bat (BleepingComputer)
InsaneCryptDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
JavaRa (Fred de Vries et Paul McLain)
Jigsaw Decrypter (Michael Gillespie)
Junkware Removal Tool (Malwarebytes corporation)
ListCWall (BleepingComputer)
ListParts (Farbar)
LogOnFix (Xplode)
MBAR (Malwarebytes corporation)
MBRCheck (a_d_13)
mbr.exe (Gmer)
MicroCop Decryptor (Michael Gillespie)
Miniregtool (Farbar)
Minitoolbox (Farbar)
MKV (El Desaparecido & C_XX)
Mole02Decryptor (M AV)
OneClick2RP (Laddy)
OTA (Old_Timer)
OTC (Old_Timer)
OTH (Old_Timer)
OTL (Old_Timer)
OTM (Old_Timer)
OTS (Old_Timer)
Pre_Scan (Gen-Hackman)
PowerLockyDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
ProcessClose (Gen-Hackman)
QuickDiag (Gen-Hackman)
RakhniDecryptor (Kaspersky Lab)
Rannoh Decryptor (Kaspersky Lab)
RansomNoteCleaner (Michael Gillespie)
RegtoolExport (Xplode)
Remediate VBS Worm (bartblaze)
Report_Antivir (Laddy)
Report_CHKDSK (Laddy)
Rkill (Grinler)
RogueKiller (Tigzy)
RstAssociations (Xplode) (scr) (exe)
RstHosts (Xplode)
ScanRapide (Lydem)
Shortcut Cleaner (BleepingComputer)
Seaf (C_XX)
SecurityCheck (screen317)
StrikedDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
StupidDecryptor (Michael Gillespie)
Symantec Kovter Removal Tool (Symantec)
SystemLook (jpshortstuff)
SFTGC (Pierre13)
TDSSkiller (Kaspersky Labs)
TFC (Old_Timer)
ToolsDiag (Amesam)
UAC-LEVEL (Amesam)
UAC Manager (Xplode)
UnHide (BleepingComputer)
Unlock92Decrypter (Michael Gillespie)
Usb File Resc (Streuner Corporation)
UsbFix (El desaparecido & C_XX)
UnZacMe (Gen-Hackman)
Webroot DE-BUG (Webroot)
