Kernel, Openvswitch, Podman, Buildah, GlibC, OpenSSH, Java, Grub updates for SUSE

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A new SUSE update has been released: Kernel, Openvswitch, Podman, Buildah, GlibC, OpenSSH, Java, Grub updates for SUSE

Kernel, Openvswitch, Podman, Buildah, GlibC, OpenSSH, Java, Grub updates for SUSE

SUSE Linux has issued multiple security updates, featuring updates for the Linux Kernel, openvswitch, podman, buildah, glibc, openssh, java-11-openj9, and grub2: SUSE-SU-2025:0576-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel SUSE-SU-2025:0577-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel SUSE-SU-2025:0578-1: important: Security update for openvswitch SUSE-SU-2025:0579-1: moderate: Security update for podman SUSE-SU-2025:0581-1: moderate: Security update for buildah SUSE-SU-2025:0582-1: low: Security update for glibc SUSE-SU-2025:0583-1: important: Security update for openvswitch SUSE-SU-2025:0585-1: moderate: Security update for openssh openSUSE-SU-2025:0066-1: important: Security update for java-11-openj9 SUSE-SU-2025:0586-1: important: Security update for grub2 SUSE-SU-2025:0587-1: important: Security update for grub2 SUSE-SU-2025:0588-1: important: Security update for grub2

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