Jarte 4.2

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Jarte is a WordPad based, FREE word processor whose unique interface will make you feel like you are piloting a swift, nimble yacht by comparison.
When word processors replaced typewriters they helped free the creative expressions innate in all of us. But somewhere along the way word processors evolved into enormous machines designed primarily to serve the needs of the corporate world. Office word processors have become huge, cumbersome vessels of software that remind us of ocean liners. The seeming goal of both is to become as large as possible by including every imaginable feature, whether anyone actually needs all those features or not. That's fine for an ocean liner since you are there to relax and marvel at its grandness. However, it is not so fine when the size and complexity of your word processor makes it as cumbersome to operate as an ocean liner in a yacht race.

It does not have to be like that. Jarte is a WordPad based, FREE word processor whose unique interface will make you feel like you are piloting a swift, nimble yacht by comparison. Although Jarte doesn't look anything like the office word processor you are used to, it can handle your word processing tasks with aplomb. If this sounds like the kind of word processor you are looking for then maybe you owe it to yourself to give Jarte a try.

General Features
Fully compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7
Tabbed interface to provide easy access to open documents
Opens files with file extension RTF, file extension DOC, and file extension DOCX
Fast start up
Small size, efficient operation, and compact display (perfect word processor for netbooks)
Hot Connect lets you use Jarte with other programs
Optional "Clickless Operation" feature greatly reduces clicking
Can be run as a portable word processor directly from a USB flash drive, CD, or DropBox folder
High quality spell checker with custom user dictionary
Included spelling dictionaries: English (American, British, & Canadian), Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Dutch
Link to, or import, your existing custom Word spelling dictionaries
Support for templates
Export to HTML or PDF
Single click bookmarking and bookmark navigation
Send documents via e-mail
Full drag and drop file support
Instant access to recently opened documents and folders
Instant access to documents and folders designated as favorites
Adjustable document zoom
Detailed Help documentation

Editing Functions
Insert pictures, hyperlinks, tables, page breaks, equations and other embeddable objects
Quick Clips option provides easy copy, cut and paste capability using the mouse scroll wheel button
Standard clipboard functions plus a Paste Plain function which strips HTML and RTF formatting from clipboard text before pasting
Multi-level undo and redo functions

Font Formatting
Bold, italic, underline, strikeout, subscript, and superscript font styles
Choice of text colors
Text highlight tool with choice of colors
Font typeface selection box which displays each font choice in its own typeface
Choose your own default font
Quick access to your personally chosen favorite fonts and to recently used fonts
Format brush tool quickly applies font styling to text

Paragraph Formatting
Left, right, centered, and justified text alignment
Paragraph indentation including first line and hanging indent styles
Bulleted and numbered list styles
Single, one and a half, and double line spacing
Optional paragraph spacing before and after paragraphs
Support for left, right, center, and decimal aligned tab stops
Format brush tool quickly applies formatting to paragraphs

Print preview
User definable page margins
Reverse page order option and odd or even pages only options (useful for double sided printing) in addition to the standard print options
Visual designer allows complete control of both headers and footers:

Define any combination of left side, right side, and center headers and footers
Headers and footers may contain any combination of page numbering, file date, current date (in choice of date formats), file name, and user definable text
User control of the font typeface, font size, font style, and font color used for headers and footers
User control of the positioning of the header and footer lines
Optional suppression of the header and/or footer on the first page

Clip List allows you display and reuse the 25 most recent clipboard clips
Screen capture tool for copying images from the screen
Special Characters Keyboard allows single click insertion of any character including the extended characters not shown on your keyboard
Reference Bar provides instant word lookup to online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia
The Reference Bar also automatically integrates with the WordWeb dictionary and thesaurus if it is installed
Document word count tool
Search for files on your computer with direct access to the system file search tool