IPPathTableView 1.00

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IPPathTableView is a portable networking tool that displays the IP path table of your local machine.

IPPathTableView is a portable networking tool that displays the IP path table of your local machine.

IPPathTableView's UI is broken down into the familiar Nirsoft format; for every IP path entry, the following information is displayed: Source, Destination, Next Hop, MTU, Reachable (Yes/No), Adapter Name, Connection Name, Link Transmit Speed, and Link Receive Speed. You can also see all Ip addresses your machine recently connected with through the IP path table. It can be set to auto-refresh in intervals up to every ten seconds or manually refresh.

You can save and view properties of displayed details through the right-click menu. You can also call up an HTML report for any number of line items.

IPPathTableView provides accurate data giving you a comprehensive view of your machine's IP path table in an easy-to-view graph. It may be geared towards Network Admins, but all users can benefit from the data provided, allowing them to keep an eye on their network.

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