Interview with ATI's CEO, Dave Orton

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During a recent visit to Toronto and ATI's HQ Beyond3D got the opportunity to briefly sit down with the man who's been steering ATI for the past few years and who is to soon assume the mantle of their CEO, Dave Orton. We discuss how ATI is now organised, how focused it is on the desktop market and chat about their latest line of graphics chips.

"What we are now moving towards is actually a unified design team of both east and west coast, that will develop our next generations of platforms, from R300 to R400 to R500 to R600 to R700, instead of a ping-pong ball between them both. Within that one organisation we need to think about where do we architecturally innovate and where do we not in order to hit the right development cycles to keep the leadership, but it will be one organisation."
Read the full Interview here