Intel Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox will help you manage your Intel SSD and keep it in perfect running order.

Intel Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox will help you manage your Intel SSD and keep it in perfect running order.
The Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox (Intel SSD Toolbox) provides the following functional capabilities:
Accessing Intel SSD management features (Intel SSD Optimizer, System Configuration Tuner, and Secure Erase)
Reporting the drive identification data for Intel SSDs, as well as other drives.
Accessing the Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) attributes for Intel SSDs, as well as other drives.
Checking the SMART thresholds and viewing recommended actions for Intel SSDs, as well as other drives.
Running diagnostic scans on Intel SSDs to check for any READ or WRITE errors.
When opened the following screen will display the name and capacity of each drive on your PC, as well as the following options:
Intel SSD Management Tools - Enables monitoring and managing of any Intel SSDs associated with this computer.
View Drive Information - Displays the model number, serial number and firmware number for each drive on the system. It also lists the ATA and SATA capabilities for the selected drive.
Check SMART Attributes Lists the SMART features and their respective thresholds, and, if necessary, indicates any action to take.
Run Fast Diagnostic Scan - Analyzes the first 1.5 GB of an SSD to determine whether there are any READ or WRITE errors.
Run Full Diagnostic Scan - Analyzes the complete SSD to determine whether there are any READ or WRITE errors or any bad blocks.
Before initiating the Intel SSD Toolbox installation, be sure to read and precisely follow the instructions included in the Intel SSD Toolbox User Guide, Readme, and Release Notes. There is also a Frequently Asked Questions document available. You may wish to print these instructions for easy reference.
The User Guide and Readme.rtf file include the Intel SSD Toolbox installation instructions.
