Intel Pentium 4 2.8E Prescott Overclocking

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Legit Reviews have thrown up their Prescott Overclocking article! They managed to get their Prescott 2.8GHz CPU hitting 3.75Ghz! Here's a snip.

Going into this review we had high hopes of our retail processor. We reached 3.75GHz, which is just shy of a 1GHz overclock. Not only is this a very nice overclock on an early production core, but it was also done with air cooling. This Means that all you enthusiasts at home on a budget have something that can be reached without dumping your wallet out. We did take it easy on the Vcore, as 1.55 would not be extreme for the Northwood. From what we have found during overclocking this looks like a promising beginning of the Prescott core! We should see it scale quite well with the socket change.

Intel Pentium 4 2.8E Prescott Overclocking