Intel Cuts Processor Prices - 3.06Ghz HT Down 32%

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On this Sunday's night Intel Corp. has released the new April 2003 processor price list. Still the current flagship processor 3.06Ghz HT for 533Mhz FSB, with the 3.0Ghz C 800Mhz FSB unavailable, has been reduced in price by 32% to $407 in 1000-unit tray quantities. 3.0Ghz C 800Mhz FSB processor prices remain unchanged at $417 in 1000-unit tray quantities. Intel also reduced the prices of its Pentium 4 M processors by a significant amount. While the 2.50-GHz model was left unchanged at $562, the prices of the 2.40-GHz model fell 38 percent to $348; Intel lowered the 2.2-GHz model 31 percent to $241, and the 2.0-GHz by 18 percent to $198. Intel also adjusted the prices of its mobile Celeron processors as well as the price of the 3.06-GHz Xeon processor.

Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Prices are for direct Intel customers in 1000-unit tray quantities and, unless specified, represent the latest technology versions of the products. Taxes and shipping, etc. not included. Prices may vary for other package types and shipment quantities, and special promotional arrangements may apply. Source: Intel Investor Relations