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With inSSIDer you can inspect your Wi-Fi and surrounding networks, scan and filter hundreds of nearby access points, troubleshoot competing access points and clogged Wi-Fi channels and more.
With inSSIDer you can inspect your Wi-Fi and surrounding networks, scan and filter hundreds of nearby access points, troubleshoot competing access points and clogged Wi-Fi channels and more.

You can:
Inspect your Wi-Fi and surrounding networks
Scan and filter hundreds of nearby access points
Troubleshoot competing access points and clogged Wi-Fi channels
Highlight access points for areas with high Wi-Fi concentration
Track the strength of received signals in dBm over time
Sort results by MAC Address, SSID, Channel, RSSI, Time Last Seen
Export Wi-Fi and GPS data to a KML file in Google Earth

Uses your current wireless card and connection software
Works with Windows XP, Vista, and 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Compatible with most GPS devices (NMEA v2.3 +)

Limitations: Requires .Net Framework 3.5+ installed.