iNFekt 0.9.7

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iNFekt is a text viewer application that has been carefully designed around its main task: viewing and presenting NFO files.
iNFekt is a text viewer application that has been carefully designed around its main task: viewing and presenting NFO files.It comes with three different view modes (Rendered, Classic and Text Only), export functionality and lots of options! iNFekt Features: Display NFO files of all common charsets (including CP 437 and Unicode) Fix & display many broken encodings that other viewers choke onvYou can fine-tune colors for text, background, block art and more Clickable hyperlinks, including links that span multiple lines Enhanced rendering mode / Classic mode / Text-only mode Basic ANSI Art support (16+ colors) Anti-aliasing Built-in zoom Export functionality Auto-refresh and browse folder features Integrated updater Free and Open Source Portable versions available Color themescoming soon Plugin supportwork in progress