Immunet FREE Antivirus

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Immunet FREE Antivirus is designed for consumers who want a fast, free antivirus that doesn't slow down their PC.
Immunet FREE Antivirus is designed for consumers who want a fast, free antivirus that doesn't slow down their PC.Fast Antivirus Protection leverages the speed of cloud computing to deliver real-time protection to your PC. Stay protected against over 13 million viruses and thousands of new threats daily without ever downloading another virus detection file again. Simply stay connected to the Immunet Cloud to keep all virus detections up to date.Immunet FREE Antivirus Features: Fast Antivirus Protection - Won't slow down your PC Community-Based - Protect your closest contacts Realtime Detection - NO virus updates required Companion Antivirus - Compatible with existing antivirus (2.0 Companion Products list) Strength in Numbers - Powered by Collective Immunity? Intelligent Scans - Fast, configurable smart scansImmunet FREE Antivirus Additional Features: Silent / Gamer Mode History / Report Logging Registry Startup Scan