Overclockers Club published a review on the Humble Bundle with Android 7
A quote from the article:
So what stands out of this 4+2 bundle, and does any one game make the bundle worth buying on its own? In my opinion the best games of the bundle are Anodyne, Incredipede, Greed Corp, and The Bard's Tale. They each offer enjoyable experiences, based on what I have played, and are almost certainly going to be worth your time, if you purchase the bundle. Incredipede and Greed Corp are both innovative takes on their genres, so if you like puzzlers or turn-based RTS games, you will want to play these. Anodyne is a well-constructed return to 16-bit adventure games with a healthy sense of humor, but requires some time investment. The Bard's Tale is a dated game, but is also well designed and has a mildly inappropriate sense of humor that can bring a smile to your face (or an eye roll).Humble Bundle with Android 7 Review @ OCC