Hosty is a HOST's manager that allows you to import and export your custom HOST's.

Hosty is a HOST's manager that allows you to import and export your custom HOST's.
Hosty isn't portable, which we find as a significant shortcoming for a program that allows you to save and export your HOST's file. One would assume portability would be a feature of this so you can bring your custom HOST's file anywhere you want.
Hosty is relatively simple to use. Add a group, or groups and then add and websites or URL's you like. Each URL can be toggled on and off easily. The File menu allows you to import or export your saved HOST'S. Settings only have an option for a dark theme.
Hosty is a niche app handy for anyone wanting to be able to block or unblock a specific group of websites. We like what it does but feel it could be a tad more user-friendly. The ability to detect what website you're at for quick adding would be a smart feature. We don't know if the intention is simplicity, but we'd like to see a little more.
