Introducing ORIGOSafe, your teenager's worst nightmare.
Belgium is known for their waffles, and how much they despise texting while driving. The developed a device called ORIGOSafe.

It is a little rectangular box that, once installed in your car, makes texting while driving look very unappealing. For starters, you cannot start your car without your phone plugged in and while it is plugged in you cannot send or receive texts. If you unplug your phone while you are driving an alarm will sound and the system admin will be notified (as in your parents). You can get calls via Bluetooth and you can use your phone when you apply the parking brake. The little black box of texting doom costs $279. Or you could have self control. Your choice.
Belgium is known for their waffles, and how much they despise texting while driving. The developed a device called ORIGOSafe.

ORIGOSafe. Photo: Unknown
It is a little rectangular box that, once installed in your car, makes texting while driving look very unappealing. For starters, you cannot start your car without your phone plugged in and while it is plugged in you cannot send or receive texts. If you unplug your phone while you are driving an alarm will sound and the system admin will be notified (as in your parents). You can get calls via Bluetooth and you can use your phone when you apply the parking brake. The little black box of texting doom costs $279. Or you could have self control. Your choice.