Have I Been Pwned website updated with 151M new email addresses

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A new security article has been published: Have I Been Pwned website updated with 151M new email addresses

Have I Been Pwned website updated with 151M new email addresses

A security researcher handed Troy Hunt 122 GB of data obtained from numerous Telegram channels. This data contained 1,7k files, 2 billion lines of text, and 361 million distinct email addresses, passwords, and website URLs.Attackers frequently use the data, also known as "combolists," to launch "credential stuffing" attacks. The data was sourced from 518 different channels and amounted to 1,748 separate files. The largest file, containing tens of millions of rows, appears to be the result of info-stealing malware that obtained credentials from compromised websites. The data was loaded into Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) today, as it contains a large amount of previously unseen email addresses.

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