They are so cute! No really, check them out, it took the artist eight hours to complete.
The love we have for Star Wars has no bounds. The galactic adventures have inspired many fans to do some pretty weird, and incredible, stuff. Remember the Millennium Falcon cake? Or how about those Star Wars origami characters and the amazing scrap metal inspired Darth Vadar! So now keeping with our geek fashion we bring you this micro mini Millennium Falcon and other ships created by David Canavese. This are not your average paper space ships, no. No no no. These are accurate replicas done to the number of engine blocks and bridges. Like I said, Star Wars fans are serious. Dead serious.

The love we have for Star Wars has no bounds. The galactic adventures have inspired many fans to do some pretty weird, and incredible, stuff. Remember the Millennium Falcon cake? Or how about those Star Wars origami characters and the amazing scrap metal inspired Darth Vadar! So now keeping with our geek fashion we bring you this micro mini Millennium Falcon and other ships created by David Canavese. This are not your average paper space ships, no. No no no. These are accurate replicas done to the number of engine blocks and bridges. Like I said, Star Wars fans are serious. Dead serious.

Handmade paper Star Wars Replicas. Photo: David Canavese

Handmade paper Star Wars Replicas. Photo: David Canavese