GUIPropView 1.12

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GUIPropView provides you with a detailed list of all windows currently opened on your system.

GUIPropView provides you with a detailed list of all windows currently opened on your system.

You are given two separate panes to utilize; the top is a list of all top-level windows. The bottom pane is the list of all child windows associated with their 'parent' or the selected top-level window. GUIPropView is a modern replacement for Nirsoft's WinLister app.

GUIPropView allows you to select one or more windows that will give access to multiple actions like close, hide, show, minimize, maximize, disable, enable, etc. GUIPropView doesn't display any invisible top-level windows by default, but you can view them by simply turning on the 'Display Hidden Windows' and 'Display Windows With (0, 0) Size' options located in the TopLevel menu.
