Graphing Calculator 3D 10.5

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Graphing Calculator 3D is an advanced high-quality 3D graphing calculator that enables you to plot any number of mathematical equations or coordinates.

Graphing Calculator 3D 10.5

Graphing Calculator 3D is an advanced, high-quality 3D graphing calculator that can plot any mathematical equations or coordinates.

To plot out a 3D function, type it down, and the graph will be plotted instantly after each keystroke. You can easily customize your graph by quickly changing the default parameters via the intuitive user interface. It will provide all X/Y/Z values within a chart for easy reference.

Graphing Calculator 3D Features:

Plot 2D & 3D functions
Plot implicit equations
Plot parametric equations
Plot inequalities
Plot 3D scatter points
Generate tables of values
Cartesian coordinates
Polar coordinates
Cylindrical coordinates
Spherical coordinates
Import CSV & excel coordinates
Import live coordinates
High-precision computations
3D shading & glass effects
Fast rotation & graph animations
Save graphs as JPEG
Simultaneous multi-graphs
Define your own functions

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Graphing Calculator 3D 10.5