Grammarly for Firefox 8.842.2006

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Grammarly for Firefox helps make you a better writer by assisting in finding and correcting mistakes within a body of text, effectively fixing more errors than your standard word processor. Also available for Chrome.

Grammarly for Firefox helps make you a better writer by assisting in finding and correcting mistakes within a body of text, effectively fixing more errors than your standard word processor. Also available for Chrome.

It will correct pretty much all types of grammatical mistakes while also catching contextual spelling errors and poor vocabulary usage.

Grammarly for Firefox spell checker & grammar checker helps you write clearly and confidently on Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, and nearly anywhere else on the Web.

With Grammarly for Firefox, you can always be sure that your words will be mistake-free.

Contextual spell checker
Correctly spelled words used in the wrong context mean embarrassing mistakes for you. Grammarly for Firefox can spot the incorrect use of lose/loose, affect/effect, lie/lay, there/their/they’re, and many other commonly confused words.
Grammar checker
It also scans your text for proper use of more than 250 advanced grammar rules, spanning everything from subject-verb agreement to article use to modifier placement.
Vocabulary enhancement
Words can make an impact, or they can fall flat. Enhance your sentences with Grammarly for Firefox's word choice suggestions that optimize for the context of your document.

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