God Mode Maker

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God Mode Maker is a simple utility designed to create the folder and system icons used to access Windows 7's "God Mode". Which lets the user dive deeply into Windows 7's settings and controls.
God Mode Maker is a simple utility designed to create the folder and system icons used to access Windows 7's "God Mode". Which lets the user dive deeply into Windows 7's settings and controls.

Warning! Please make sure you know what you are doing before changing settings in Windows.

God Mode Maker is designed to work only with Windows 7.

1. Unzip the downloaded file.
2. Copy the file "god-mode-Maker" into the folder of your choice.
3. Run the file "god-mode-Maker".
4. A new folder called God-Mode-Maker-by-RenoGeek will be created and you will find the shortcut to "God Mode" as well as other useful windows utilities in the new folder.

Just delete the new folder the program created and your done.