Glocal (General Loan Calculator)

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Glocal (General Loan Calculator) is a handy finance option that allows you to calculate and track various types of monthly payments.

Glocal (General Loan Calculator) is a handy finance option that allows you to calculate and track various types of monthly payments.

It allows you to calculate three different loan types, regular payment, balloon as well as a lease. Glocal does more than simple payment calculations; it also provides details about the capital, interest and loan balance keeping you informed in all the crucial aspects of borrowed money.

Glocal is set up to be as easy-to-use as possible with all the different fields needed in view. The three loan types are also displayed for quick access. Once all the details are entered you hit calculate, and it quickly reveals the life of the loan with all applicable pay dates, etc., from the right side pane. You can then print out the details, take a screenshot, or save the file for later reference. Glocal will also come in handy for those that may have misplaced loan payment details, or for those that would like to add money to a scheduled payment and are curious to the new payoff date.
