Giflib, Python, NodeJS, and more updates for SUSE

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A new SUSE update has been released: Giflib, Python, NodeJS, and more updates for SUSE

Giflib, Python, NodeJS, and more updates for SUSE

The following updates are available for openSUSE Leap and SUSE Linux Enterprise: SUSE-SU-2024:0786-1: important: Security update for giflib SUSE-SU-2024:0784-1: important: Security update for python39 SUSE-SU-2024:0769-1: critical: Security update for postgresql-jdbc SUSE-SU-2024:0770-1: important: Security update for kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06, nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed SUSE-SU-2024:0765-1: important: Security update for rubygem-rack SUSE-SU-2024:0763-1: moderate: Security update for python-cryptography SUSE-SU-2024:0764-1: important: Security update for wpa_supplicant SUSE-SU-2024:0743-1: moderate: Security update for sendmail SUSE-SU-2024:0728-1: important: Security update for nodejs16 SUSE-SU-2024:0729-1: important: Security update for nodejs16 SUSE-SU-2023:2760-2: moderate: Security update for dnsdist SUSE-SU-2023:0174-1: low: Security update for glib2 SUSE-SU-2023:0488-1: important: Security update for the Linux-RT Kernel

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