Genealogica Grafica can build an ancestor, descendants or relationship chart and produce an elegant web-style genealogical text in your language.

Genealogica Grafica can build an ancestor, descendants or relationship chart and produce an elegant web-style genealogical text in your language.
Genealogica Grafica is the successor of KStableau. The program offers broad charting capabilities, such as:
ancestor chart (pedigree) plus outline
descendants chart plus outline
ancestor tree
descendant tree
timeline descendants chart
inbreeding charts (ummm)
relationship charts
circle diagrams
geographic map of birthplaces
Also, you can rely on:
a clear User Interface (UI)
capabilities for personalized report phrasing
superior Gedcom consistency checks
editing of tableau layout
high-quality prints
automatic detection of new versions
UI and output in English, French, German, Dutch, Swedish or Norwegian
