Geekbench ML 0.6.0

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Geekbench ML is a benchmark tool for evaluating AI workload performance using real-world machine learning tasks.

Geekbench ML measures the performance of your device's CPU, GPU, and NPU to determine its readiness for cutting-edge machine-learning applications. It includes machine learning workloads that simulate real-world AI tasks and applications.

Geekbench ML enables you to compare the performance of different devices across various platforms, including Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux. It uses the same tests and datasets across all platforms, allowing you to compare machine learning performance across devices, operating systems, and accelerators.

Geekbench ML provides a direct test of your device's machine-learning capabilities. It can help you determine whether your device is ready to run the latest machine-learning applications. Geekbench ML can test the CPU or GPU directly or use Core ML or NNAPI to exercise neural accelerators.

Geekbench ML uses machine learning tests based on computer vision and natural language processing tasks found in real-world machine learning applications. These tests use industry-standard models to ensure that the results are relevant and applicable to AI application performance.

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