GE Review Contest Entry: Sapphire Technologies Radeon 9000 Pro

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Mr. Hilton Poon has a Sapphire Technologies Radeon 9000 Pro 64mb DDR video card for us as the latest entrant in the GE Review Contest. As the video card industry progresses an alarming rate, often enthusiasts disregard the mainstream products and focus mainly on the high end such as the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro, or the soon to be released GeForce FX (a.k.a. nv30). However, the money in the video card industry (and most computer hardware for that matter) is in the OEM and the low end cards. Reasons such as cost are the main concern for OEM?s and most users (most people really don?t need to play Doom 3 with everything on high or Quake 3 at 300+ fps). Today, I?m here to look at the Radeon 9000 Pro from Sapphire Technologies. It is oriented for the mainstream market user (the average Joe) and is considered the low end in the new generation of video cards." If you have only $100 to spend on your video card, this is definately a review you don't want to miss. Check it out!