OCC published a review on Galactic Civilizations III
A quote from the article:

Galactic Civilizations III: Intrigue and v3.0 Review
A quote from the article:
Just how intriguing is this latest expansion and update of Galactic Civilizations III? I know I can say I have been greatly enjoying it and so I can easily recommend it. With the exception of commonwealths, I cannot say any change has particularly 'wowed' me, but all of the changes work so well to make the experience more interesting and engaging. I like having to be mindful of the various governments and the differences between them, even if I can go a long time without needing to look at them. They add a welcome kind of depth, as do the farming and taxes. The Galactic Market is a welcome addition as it lets you work around your limited access to resources, provided you have the money, and the change to extreme worlds is a clever way to make civilization choice more significant.

Galactic Civilizations III: Intrigue and v3.0 Review