Fujifilm 16x DVD+R media review

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Review time again at CDR-Zone.COM and this time it's a first for the Zone too! A Fujifilm branded 16x DVD+R media using a Dye from Prodisc. Will it reach the rated 16x recording speed, will the quality be good, bad or just ugly? That's what CDR-Zone tries to find out during this review. "At every level, the world of computing is demanding ever more varied and sophisticated types of data storage and back-up systems. Fujifilm meets that need with a complete range of the world?s most advanced storage solutions ? for today and for the future. Designed for personal or professional use, the Fujifilm DVD+R disc can record up to 4.7 GB or 120 minutes (standard mode) of video, high-resolution photo images and large data files."

You can read the full review using 5 of todays more popular DVD recording devices Here