FRSWiggle 1.0.0

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FRSWiggle enables you to keep your machine from going to sleep mode and the screensaver from running.

FRSWiggle enables you to keep your machine from going to sleep mode and the screensaver from running.

This little app is very simple but will be useful for those times that you need your machine to stay in an active state while you are working, etc. When we say it is simple we mean simple; once you run it there is no other interaction from the user, it is actively preventing sleep mode and screensaver activation. There are no settings - it is either on or off.

FRSWiggle is designed to autodetect your system settings and then block the screensaver when it attempts to launch as well as sleep mode or power save. When you no longer need it, you exit the app everything is returned to normal operation.
